I knew it would be good. All of the films I have seen by Martin Scorsese that star Leonardo DiCaprio have been fantastic. This is their fourth film together. The other three are The Aviator, Gangs of New York, and The Departed. Shutter Island is my favorite so far, it was a superb film. I highly recommend it.
The movie is a psychological thriller centered around DiCaprio's character. The film is set in 1954, U.S. Marshal Teddy Daniels (DiCaprio) and his partner are investigating the disappearance of a murderess who escaped from a hospital for the criminally insane located on the remote Shutter Island. The movie is not really scary, but it is definitely an intriguing mind game that will have you guessing until the end.
The movie was fantastic...the movie going experience was not so much. The theater gave out more tickets than were seats, so you had to get their early to ensure a seat. Then, there were no attendants in the theater to make sure that people did not take up more space than they needed. My friends and I ended up having to split up our group of five. Three of us were seated near each other. We were seated near this family. Two large women with infants were taking up four seats--two for themselves and two for their baby carriers. The women were holding and breast feeding their infants through out the film. They were also very hostile towards us. They were mad when we sat down near them and their other family members. They were taking up a grand total of nine seats for four people. The theater was full. they didn't need nine seats. One of the women was in front of me and she was leaning so far back in her chair, that I had no leg room. I accidentally hit her chair when with my knees when I moved, and she proceeded to ram into my knees with her chair several times. I heard the other woman threatened violence--and this was all over me accidentally hitting her chair. They were the rudest people I had ever been around in my entire life.
That was the most bothersome experience, but there was also something else that bothered me. Shutter Island is rated R, it is not for little kids. Why were there so many young kids there? I saw several children that were no older than 8. One child even started crying during the movie. That is not something that should happen when you go see an R rated movie! Find a sitter, stay home, or see a more age appropriate film!